Change to New Inn Surgery in Guildford

19th August 2019

Over the past 3 years both NHS England, NHS Guildford and Waverley CCG, under their delegated commissioning function and Guildford Borough Council have been working with New Inn Surgery in Guildford regarding the long term use of their premises to ensure security of the sustainability of the surgery; enabling the continuous provision of a service to registered patients.

The surgery’s lease is expiring and has been unable to reach an agreement with their landlord and no suitable alternative sites have been located to date; despite looking at a range of options. All other alternatives have not been viable therefore contractual requirements cannot be met. The options have been discussed and explored to find a solution to prevent the surgery from closing. Unfortunately, having considered all the options available it is likely that the surgery may have to close later this year.

As a result the CCG will now begin a programme of work which will:

  • Inform patients of the issues being experienced and the likely outcomes.
  • Provide patients with the opportunity to inform us of any concerns or issues they foresee. Patients will be invited to share views and provide any feedback they may have on the arrangements for future provision of your care, including any specific concerns about potentially registering with a new GP surgery.
  • Arrange an extraordinary Primary Care Commissioning Committee (PCCC) at the end of August where the final decision on the future of the practice will be reached. – This has been re-scheduled to 13th September 2019

NHS Guildford and Waverley CCG is committed to supporting GP practices and is working to ensure they maintain primary care facilities for all patients. Their priority is to make sure that patients have continued access to a range of GP services and care.

If the situation arises that the surgery will need to close, the CCG will work with other local GP practices to make sure that all patients will be able to register with a new GP practice.

They will work closely with all vulnerable patients to provide individual support and ensure their care needs are met as best as possible.

The surgery will continue to provide services to patients until a final decision is made by the Primary Care Commissioning Committee. It will be business as usual until patients are notified.  Patients are advised that they should not re-register at this stage.

If you have any other queries please email