We have listened carefully across our community engagement, Helpdesk, advocacy, volunteers and Surrey residents to identify and shape our priority areas for the next year.
At the core of all our work, our priorities will be:
- Agenda free listening and feeding back insight
- Information and signposting.
These will form the foundation to enable us to focus our work specifically on the following key areas:
- Access to primary care
- Social care
- Mental health
- Involvement of people: the listening landscape
- Amplify voice in VCSE
- Assessing long term impact.
The process to decide our priorities began in November 2022 with a “horizon scanning” session where our volunteers, Board Directors and staff team came together to review what we were hearing from local people; what we knew about system priorities; where we felt there was a risk of people being less well-heard and at risk of health inequality; and where we felt we could have most influence and impact. We then applied a Theory of Change model, examining what we’d want to influence in the long term, and what we need to do to achieve that change over time. Our Local Healthwatch Advisory Group reviewed our proposed priority areas, and our overall CIC Board approved their recommendations at a meeting in public in April 2023.
Priorities and Work Plan 2023 - 2026 (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 89.25 KB) |