Our latest Insight bulletin highlights the key themes we’ve heard throughout May 2024 as well as providing information about how we share our insight and our future engagement sessions. This month we also highlight a new survey that we are currently running to gauge local people’s views and provides an update on our GP and pharmacy survey.

Insight bulletins Involvement of people

This month, our key themes reflected the key areas of focus for decision makers that Healthwatch England’s Annual Report highlighted. These are:

  1. Making the NHS easier to access and navigate
  2. Tackling health inequalities
  3. Building a patient centred culture

We also highlighted insight from people who praised the calm and professionalism of NHS staff in acute situations.

“On the one hand I dread coming here, I have had the sense that they don't really care about the patients and I don't have confidence that things will happen unless you push for yourself. On the other hand when I have had actual treatment here with the nursing staff I have felt the care has been excellent.”