Our Enter and View visits to care homes are one way we can gather information about services and collect views of service users, their carers and relatives, as well as staff. Following our visits we make recommendations to the service provider based on the feedback we have received.
Social care
We made 7 recommendations based on our visit:
- Ensure the complaints procedure is visible and accessible (it is currently positioned very high up on a display board).
- Ensure up to date advocacy information is displayed.
- Provide stimulating activities which are inclusive to all, and display the activities plan so that residents can see it.
- Make a private space available so that the visiting podiatrist can treat residents in private, ensuring their privacy and dignity.
- Consider using more dementia friendly signage around the home.
- Display the menu so that it is visible for residents and their family members.
- Consider ways to better assist residents in finding lost property such as glasses/dentures.
Enter and View - Brownscombe Care Residences - March 2023 (pdf) | Download File (pdf 875.91 KB) |
Enter and View - Brownscombe Care Residences - March 2023 (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 2.34 MB) |