Changing our CIC name to Luminus
We are pleased to announce that our Community Interest Company has changed its name to Luminus Insight CIC, to be known as Luminus. This was previously known as Healthwatch Surrey CIC but as we have grown as an organisation having the name of one of our services as our overall CIC name is not sustainable, no longer reflects the full remit of our work, and creates confusion.
Therefore, going forwards all of our services, including the local Healthwatch Surrey service, now sit under the Luminus umbrella, meaning Luminus is the home of:
- Healthwatch Surrey (including Independent Health Complaints Advocacy)
- Giving Carers a Voice
- Giving Young Carers a Voice
- Public Involvement for the Combating Drugs Partnership
- Other future contracts and project work.
There will be no change to our local Healthwatch Surrey service. A Local Healthwatch advisory group, comprising local volunteers, has been created to guide and advise our CIC Board on the discharge of our local Healthwatch responsibilities. Our local Healthwatch activities, team, volunteers, resources and website, will remain unchanged and this website will continue to be where we showcase our Local Healthwatch Surrey work and where you can leave feedback about your experiences or contact us for information and advice.
Kate Scribbins, our CEO, says,
“Our name change to Luminus better reflects our journey to broaden the scope of future work, continuing to shine a light on what matters to people locally as an independent voice organisation and widening our remit beyond health and social care to include other issues which impact on people’s health and wellbeing”.
Our vision and mission remain rooted in the belief that listening to people and ensuring they are involved in the design of services, is the best way to ensure that people have equitable access to services which meet their needs.
Interested in our other services and contracts under our Luminus umbrella? Please visit our Luminus website: https://luminus-cic.uk/