Carers Week 5th – 11th June
Today is the start of #CarersWeek – the theme this year is Recognising and supporting carers in the community.
A carer is anyone, of any age, who looks after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, addiction, or who needs extra help as they grow older. If you provide unpaid help or support to anyone who couldn’t manage without that help, then you are a carer.
We will be taking this week to talk about our new independent Giving Young Carers a Voice pilot, running alongside our ongoing Giving carers a voice service; providing some experiences of caring and letting you know how to share your experiences with us.
We have added our voice to Carers Week – you can do this too at https://www.carersweek.org/?cmp=voices.
Today we are at East Surrey Hospital with @Action for carers. We are by the ticket machines at the main entrance – come and say hi and share your experiences about local services.
The rest of the week we are at:
Tuesday – Wellbeing hub, Milford Hospital’s Dementia Carers Café
Tuesday eve – our Young Adult Carers pizza evening
Thursday – St Peters hospital with Action for Carers
Thursday pm – online zoom with National Autistic Society
Friday – Leatherhead Action for Carer hub (tbc)