Consultation on mandatory disability awareness training for taxi drivers and private hire operators in Runnymede – ends 16th November 2022

14th October 2022
The purpose of this consultation is to ask for your views on whether the Council should make it a condition of licensing for all existing and new drivers and operators to undertake mandatory disability awareness training following changes to the Equality Act 2010.


Currently, there is no requirement or condition requiring any drivers or operators licensed by Runnymede to have any kind of disability awareness training.  Training could include (although this list is not exhaustive) understanding subjects such as:


·        what is meant by the term disability

·        the law and legal requirements around disability

·        different types of disability

·        how to load and secure passengers and wheelchairs

·        best practice when interacting with a disabled passenger

·        the regulations about assistance dogs

·        their duty of care responsibilities and best practice protocols


This consultation will be circulated to the local taxi trade, Runnymede Councillors and disability groups as well as day centres and libraries in Runnymede.  The consultation period will be from Tuesday 4 October 2022 until Wednesday 16 November 2022.


The information below may assist you in understanding the legislative changes before making your views known on the consultation return form on the last page.


It is important to get as many responses as possible through this consultation. The Councils Regulatory Committee will meet again on 4 January 2023 to decide on the matter and your views are a key factor in the decision-making process.


On Tuesday 27 September 2022 the Councils Regulatory Committee met to discuss the changes to the Equality Act 2010 and the new responsibilities placed on taxi driver and private hire operators.  The Councils report can be seen on this link:  Councils Report


You can fill in and return the attached document to Robert Smith or complete the survey online on this link Survey